Thursday, 9 June 2011

Wise Words Found

I hope that my child looking back on today, 
remembers a mother who had time to play

Children grow up while you're not looking,
there'll be years ahead for cleaning and cooking

So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep...



  1. That's beautiful, I'm a Mummy who plays all the time ;o)

    B xxx

  2. I just said to a friend on facebook, kids don't remember clean houses, they remember the time you spent with them - spooky! lol

  3. It's nice to see you back! I missed your lovely posts!

  4. I just asked my daughter and she said I should play more with her... I need to remember these wise words tomorrow when laundry calls. Lx

  5. I lived by that when my 2 were growing up ...
    I truly believe it, the children are more important and I've got many special memories..I hope my daughter understands it too...( I think she does, after all, everybody says she takes after me in many other ways!)

  6. Very true! My sister gave me a rag doll holding a wooden sign which says 'messy floors, dirty dishes, happy kids.' It's hard to get that balance between not letting the mayhem get to you and spending enough time doing the fun stuff!
    Have a great weekend.
    Lisa x

  7. Every mom should have this on the wall,chilldren grow up so fast the dust will still be there tomorrow.Have a good week end hugs Pat

  8. Hi Lydia l wish you lived nearer then l could teach you how easy it is,if l can do it any one can you just have to want enough to do it. It is a shame that there is not some sort of meeting place that crafting bloggers could meet up at and share their knowledge, may be one day some one will do it.Have a good week hugs Pat

  9. I grew up with a mum who never played - so I have made sure that my kids had a mum who played - and some!!! Its my daughters 19th birthday soon and I asked her when she was thinking of growing up - she replied " Well youve managed to avoid it for 51 years!" xxxxxx

  10. I always say that no one on their deathbed wishes they had done more housework!

    Pomona x
