Monday, 16 February 2009

The Tale of Two Irons

Sometimes, it's the simple things that make the daily chores a pleasure or just about bearable.

Take my iron, I am (like most ladies) on first name terms with my iron.

I am attached to it, I like how it feels, and glides, I am at one with it, no other iron is like mine.

That is until my poor iron dies, a watery, leaky, fuse blowing death.

G quickly volunteers to go and buy another - I wonder why? He's under strict instructions to only bring home a Tefal and appears with a lovely purple thing....

However when I start using it, its not the same, it weighs heavier, it smells all new, I am not a happy ironer....

Then I remember a posting on Sadie's Blog....Ironing water!

Oh the joy! - My iron smells nice, my clothes smell yummy - I quite like this ironing business after all. What a simple idea - why have I never tried this before? I am almost feeling domesticated.

And whilst I'm on the subject of simple treats, have a peek at my flowers for the week.....

A large bunch of Snaps (Dragon or Bunny, dependant on your preferences).

Simple, smiley, cheap & cheerful flowers, full of childhood memories - stripping Great Auntie Mable's collection of flowers, to perfect the art of opening & closing the bunnies mouths....

Love Lydia xx


  1. Oh i know what you mean we do become attached to these things dont we, they become our friends helping us get our chores done a little bit easier and when they break down we are lost without them.I do love your flowers must get myself some to cheer up the house have a great week best wishes Pat.

  2. I love ironing water so much, that it feels wrong if I run out and don't have any. It's funny how we get used to little things to make chores nicer. :O)

    I love my iron too, but I'm in danger of smashing it up. Not on purpose I should add, twice in the past week it's sailed over my laundry so smoothly that it's fallen off the edge! Thank goodness I only do it when little one is out of the way. Dangerous job, ironing!


  3. Anything that makes ironing more pleasurable, is worth it! I always iron with one of my favourite dvd's on, and don't stop till the baskets empty.
    Bertie x

  4. I use ironing water but i've not seen the one you're using. It looks yummy (how crazy does that sound lol). Can I ask where they are from?
    Thank you for your lovely comment on Jess' blog.
    Take care
    Beki xxx

  5. It must be the season to iron. I, too, blogged about ironing today! Not that I care to do alot of it, but my little friend does! Liz

  6. aaahhh ironing water - i am a bit of a collector of them embarrassingly !! but very rarely iron........... i do like to have all the stuff though LOL
    lovely flowers - i have flowers all the time they just make you smile dont they ? :-)
    Lesley x
